Chinese .Panda Baby Class (2-4 yr) "熊猫宝宝"幼儿中文启蒙班

Start Time: 
11:30 AM
End Time: 
12:20 PM
NSC #003

This class is for 2-4 year olds with their parents. Studies have long proved that the earlier a child is exposed to a second language, the easier it is for them to master it. Learning a second language and being exposed to a different culture at a young age also benefits the child’s cognitive growth. This class uses children’s rhymes, stories, show and tell, and other age appropriate games and activities to engage the little ones in a Chinese language and culture immersed environment. A parent is required to be in class with the child, and parent-child interaction is part of the instruction. This class is taught in Mandarin Chinese with English assistance if needed.